A chisel is a device with a characteristically shaped cutting side (such that wood chisels have provided part of their name to a particular work) of blade on its end, for sculpting or cutting a tough material such as timber, stone, or metal by hand, struck with a club, or mechanical power. [1] The deal with as well as blade of some kinds of carve are made from steel or of timber with a sharp edge in it.
hammered british coins includes forcing the blade right into some product to cut it. The driving pressure may be applied by pushing by hand, or by using a club or hammer. In long screwdriver bits , a hydraulic ram or dropping weight ('journey hammer') might be made use of to drive a sculpt into the material.
A cut (one sort of carve) serves to carve tiny pieces from the product, especially in woodworking, woodturning and also sculpture. Gouges most often produce scooped surfaces. A cut typically has a 'U'-shaped cross-section.